Moorlands College Campus
Study near beaches and countryside

For more information on the Christchurch area, visit;
Based on the south coast of England, our college campus combines the benefits of a peaceful location with a wide range of amenities, places and opportunities right on our doorstep.
We’re in easy reach of Bournemouth, with its busy town centre, popular nightlife and choice of sandy beaches. We’re also on the edge of the scenic New Forest, renowned for its ancient woodland, open moors, peaceful heathland and clifftop walks.
Our facilities
Alongside the beautiful surroundings, our campus has a lot to offer. Set in 14 acres of parkland there’s plenty of space to explore and pray. Find out more information about what campus life looks like.
“I wanted to experience community, and what better place to do it? I’ve been blown away by the support, joy and hilarity that living in community can provide.”
– Daniel, Moorlands College Campus student
Join us for an open day
Get a feel for the area, say hello to our staff, and ask us plenty of questions.
Moorlands South West

Moorlands South West is supported by South West Youth Ministries (SWYM). The residentials take place at Lee Abbey which is nestled in the beautiful and wild coastline of Exmoor National Park.
Although your residential study blocks will take place at Lee Abbey, your placement could be anywhere in the UK.
You can discover more about our link with SWYM and what studying at Moorlads South West is like via their website.
“The study blocks have enabled me to learn more about theology and youth work. I’ve grown immensely… The staff are always available to support, help and pray.”
– Jonathan, Moorlands South West student
Join us for an open day
If you’re interestd in studying at Moorlands South West, why not book onto an open day to meet some staff and ask us questions.