ach year, our campus-based students step forward to represent and support the student body. They ensure our students are guided spiritually, pastorally and relationally whilst growing the hope of Jesus to those outside of Moorlands College.
So, who are the new council members? And how does serving our community help to benefit them personally?
Chair and Vice-Chair
Above: Sam Norman (Vice-Chair) and Callum McKay (Chair).
Callum McKay (Chair)
“I’m very excited to have this opportunity this year. I love being able to serve the campus and lead my three teams to do the best we can for our community and the people in our area. My aim for this year is centred around Romans 12:1–2, which reads:
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1–2
It’s tough being a Christian, and so it’s vital we encourage each other daily to be the best people God has made us to be and to do everything in worship to him. Rather than being people who follow the ways of this world, we strive to be examples of Christ to the people in this world who don’t yet know Him and his graceful love. This role is a great opportunity for me to put into practice the leadership skills I’ve gained during my time here whilst being supported by friends who’ll encourage me but also give me honest feedback on how I’m doing.”
Sam Norman (Vice-Chair)
“I’ve always felt in my element when coming up with ideas and seeing them come to fruition. As Vice-Chair, I aim to help the council function effectively, helping make our ideas a reality, and ultimately improve the students’ overall experience. As a council, we hope to do three main things: the first, to glorify God in everything we set out to do, and to see him reign over everything in our lives. The second is to make the students experience a life-changing time; a time of challenge and fun. To build towards a closer relationship with God. And finally, to spread the hope of Jesus to those outside Moorlands College, for his glory. Being Vice-Chair brings about responsibility, and requires organisation and reliability. This role will allow me to grow in the area of leadership, working with and organising people, which will help me in the future in church ministry.”
Community Events Team
Above: Joy Giritharan, Beca Hamilton, and Liz Viney make up our council’s Community Events Team.
Beca Hamilton (Community Events Team Leader)
“I have a passion to see people become all they can be in Christ. With the busyness of college life, my hope is that this year’s Community Events Team will provide time for rest and time for fellowship; to allow campus-based students space to grow into all God has called them to be. As a Youth Worker in training, I know this year will help me to grow in my management skills as well as feed into my love of being creative. I can’t wait to see how God uses council this year to bring more of his Kingdom to our college.”
Liz Viney
“I’m currently in my first year of the degree and have a real heart for people, so I’m beyond excited to be involved in such an active part of the community at the Christchurch campus. It’s wonderful to feel so embedded in the Moorlands College family after only one term, and I am already looking forward to facilitating the same warm welcome for first years in the new academic year; I know what a great springboard it has been for me into my course. It is so important to be able to work prayerfully as a team, from a budget and for the purpose of serving others; there aren’t many ministries where those skills aren’t helpful to practise!”
Joy Giritharan
“Being part of the Moorlands College community is such a blessing. And supporting and helping the college community by being part of the council is an even greater blessing! My role on council allows me to be creative and have fun whilst doing so! I hope to create memorable and exciting events with my team members in the year to come.”
Outreach Events Team
Above: Will Gwynn, Rhys Poore and Pete Oram make up our council’s Outreach Events Team.
Rhys Poore (Outreach Events Team leader)
“I decided to join the Christchurch council in order to bring creativity and logistics to the Outreach Team. I want to ensure that the outreach events are run to the best they can be to further God’s kingdom most effectively. I believe this will develop my character and heart for outreach when going into full-time ministry and my role in the council will continue to grow my passion for sharing the Gospel.”
Pete Oram
“In my role on council, I aim to bring energy, dynamism and creativity to outreach work within college life. I am very practical and won’t hesitate to get things going at college! I hope to see a breakthrough in our community and specifically within the universities in the local area. I feel I will also benefit from the practical aspects of planning and running outreach events.”
Will Gwynn
“I’m on the Outreach Team because Moorlands College needs to be a light to the surrounding area and to make the Lord’s name known on all the earth. Within the role, I’ll develop leadership skills which are essential for church leadership of any kind. It’s easy in ministry and in the church to become all about ourselves, whereas we need to look outside of ourselves and worship the Almighty God.”
Pastoral Team
Above: Bekah Jackett, Anna Hartwell and Thomas Burgess make up our council’s Pastoral Team.
Anna Hartwell (Pastoral Team leader)
“I applied to be leader of the Pastoral Team because I really want to see the community of our college grow and develop throughout the coming year. I have a heart for the people of this campus and know God does too. In my role, I’m going to help our students see this abundance of love from our Father. I know God is calling me to pastoral care in some form, and I’m excited for the practical application I’ll receive through being part of council.”
Bekah Jackett
“For me, pastoral work is about reiterating God’s truths to people in a moment of confusion, struggle, or both. Being on the Pastoral Team means that I am able to meet people where they are at, and offer guidance for their current situation. My passion is to encourage those who need it, and to lavish the word of God over them so they might be reminded of who they are in Christ, and that they have a faithful God who will never leave or forsake them.”
Thomas Burgess
“Being on the Pastoral Team seemed very natural for me to be part of. One of the biggest reasons is because I’ve always seen it as my duty to be there for people and to see how they’re doing. I never like to see people upset, stressed or even annoyed; I always just want to help! My role in the team will certainly help me in future ministry because it will allow me to comfort those who need it personally and through using scripture. For me, and the rest of the team, it is vital that the Word of God is our foundation.”
So, there you are! Please pray for our student body as they continue with their lectures, essay writing and serving in placement churches and organisations. And pray for peace, clarity and decision-making for our council members as they organise and support our Christchurch campus as well as enjoying their degree studies.
Above: Our 2018 Christchurch Campus Community Council.