We’re delighted to announce several recent staff appointments that will continue to further God’s work here at Moorlands College.
Our Mission Statement, inspired by Isaiah 54:2, highlights our aim to pursue growth, development and expansion alongside depth, stability and continuity.
The following positions are all part of our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and we’re thankful to God for the wisdom and gifts of those who work together to lead the college.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” – Isaiah 54:2

Head of Postgraduate Studies, Helen Morris
Helen will now be taking over the programme leadership of the MA Applied Theology in the new academic year as she moves from the role of BA programme leader and Acting Director of Studies to the role of Head of Postgraduate Studies.
Helen shares: “It has been a great privilege to work as the programme leader for the BA over the last few years and I am really grateful for the input that the undergraduate students have given to help us develop these programmes further. I will still be very much involved in BA teaching and, as in my current Director of Studies role, I will continue to support Dan Paul and the School of Language and Scripture team as they develop the MA Language, Community and Development programme.”
We’d like to say a big thank you to Chris Jack who has done a wonderful job heading up the MA Applied Theology over the past few years. As of the 2021-22 academic year, Chris will continue to be actively involved in the College in a teaching capacity.

Head of Undergraduate Studies, Abi Maguire
We are delighted to confirm that the post of Head of Undergraduate Studies has been offered to Abigail (Abi) Maguire, and that she has accepted.
Abi is currently a lecturer in Theology, Religion and Ethics at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, where she leads modules at both BA and MA level and manages staff in her specialist areas of the theology of education and bioethics. She has also played a significant part in the development of blended learning within the University faculty.
In addition to her work at St Mary’s, Abi provides consultancy to the Clinical Research Network of the National Institute of Health Research, and to the Department of Health and Social Care. Abi is a graduate of Moorlands College (BA with JNC, First Class), Chichester University (PGCE, Distinction), and St Mary’s, Twickenham (MA, Distinction). She is currently completing a PhD on Theology and Education at St Mary’s.
The Head of Undergraduate Studies role is a new ELT-level position created as part of the recent management restructure. As she occupies it, Abi will work closely with Helen Morris as Helen transitions from her current post of Director of Studies to become Head of Postgraduate Studies.
Abi is married to Liam and they have two boys, along with a dog, Moses. Liam is also a Moorlands graduate and works as a Families Worker in Surrey. Abi will be starting in post in the July-August period.

Director of Operations, Matt Mellor
Matt Mellor has recently joined our Executive Leadership Team as our Director of Operations.
Matt brings a wealth of experience, understanding and skills to this position, having worked at Moorlands College for 14 years and also studied with us an undergraduate student from 2004 to 2007.
He started the position in January 2021 and has taken over the management of various operational areas of college life, including technical services, health and safety, facilities, catering, the Administration Team and Human Resources.
Matt uses his giftings in a variety of ways, including dedicated service to his church, Sunnyhill Church in Poole, where he services as a Trustee, Treasurer and the Ministry Leader for World Mission.
We’d like to say a big thank you to David McLellan for his work as Director of Operations prior to Matt. David worked in this role for just over 9 years and will continue to work with us as Director of Finance.
Please pray for and encourage our friends and colleagues
“I’m delighted that over the past year or so we’ve strengthened the leadership of the College with great appointments that are bearing excellent fruit.
The recruitment of Abi Maguire to the new post of Head of Undergraduate Studies is the latest stage in that process, and I’m so excited that she’ll be joining the team. Abi was an outstanding BA student when at Moorlands in the late 2000s, and she’s since developed impressively in her academic career. She’s highly regarded by her colleagues at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and while their loss will be our gain, I know they’re thrilled to see her advance further with this appointment.
Helen Morris has done great work on ELT already, but her gifts will be particularly well matched to overseeing and developing our postgrad programmes. We’re so grateful to Chris Jack for his superb work as MA Course Leader, and we’re pleased that as he hands this over to Helen, he’ll continue to be involved in a part-time teaching capacity from September 2021.
Another change that’s worked really well recently has come with David McLellan’s desire to focus on financial management and move from a full-time to a part-time role. In relation to that, Matt Mellor has stepped up to become Operations Director on ELT, and like David, is doing a really fabulous job.
Please pray for and encourage these friends and colleagues as they take up and settle into their new roles. It great to see God’s hand at work in these appointments and as always, we thank him for his goodness towards Moorlands.”
– David Hilborn, Principal