“What would you expect to find in a Moorlands graduate?”
That was a question we put to a panel of trusted advisors who represent potential employers of our students. Their answers (some quite candid!) help shape the training we offer the men and women who come to study with us.
I was reminded of their comments when I read a preliminary report from The Times Education Commission, set up in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. They asked business leaders what sort of education system is needed to produce an innovative workforce for a changing world. Household names such as Sir James Dyson and Sir Richard Branson, plus a host of other job-creating employers gave their views.
I noticed four skills coincided with answers given by the Moorlands advisors.
- Time keeping
- Resilience
- Self-motivation
- Common Sense
In other words, effective leadership of yourself leads to effective leadership of others.
That remains a core principal of our training at Moorlands. We encourage our students to study, learn and develop as disciples of Jesus Christ. Christian theology applied is why we exist.
As C.S. Lewis put it; “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil”.
If you pray for Christian training colleges such as Moorlands, then ask God to keep us clear sighted, not forgetting the Apostle Paul’s exhortation to pursue knowledge not as an end in itself but as a means of glorifying God and extending Christ’s Kingdom. In his words, “Knowledge puffs up while love builds up.” (1 Cor 8:2).