Outstanding service
From January 2015, our Chaplains, Jonathan and Jackie Woodhouse, have played a significant part in community life here at Moorlands College. Their wealth of experience and depth of understanding has encouraged students and staff to develop greater resilience and spiritual growth in Christ.
We’re writing to let you know that Jonathan and Jackie have decided to retire from their chaplaincy roles and will be leaving on 31 March. As a team, we are so grateful for their ministry, their personalities and the great deal of enthusiasm they have brought to their poignant roles. They will be greatly missed!
For your reassurance, future provision is being looked into to ensure the continuity of pastoral support at college.
Our Principal, David Hilborn, says: “Jonathan and Jackie have given outstanding service to Moorlands over the past six years, and we pray every blessing on them in their retirement, which is well deserved. They have indicated their desire to remain involved in the College community in various ways, so we look forward to their continuing to be part of Moorlands life.”
Third-year student, Ellie shared: “Jackie and Jonathan are part of the bedrock of Moorlands. They are the constant support cheering you on and they are always there for you to speak to, to seek advice from and even to have a good laugh with. What incredible people to know and learn from.”
We’d love to hear from you
Jonathan and Jackie will have impacted many of your lives, and we recognise there are many of you who’d love to celebrate their work here.
As a Communications Department, we will be collating messages of love and support for the Woodhouses as they retire from their roles. Please do take a moment to write down your thanks for Jonathan and Jackie, and we’ll ensure it reaches them.
Email your messages to: communications@moorlands.ac.uk